
A community for a community

Welcome to ANIXI. We are a community that helps a community. No matter the chronic illness you may be facing, ANIXI is here to help. Whether you are a Supporter, Warrior or Survivor, our app and online forum aim to provide a helping hand through your journey. By sharing our stories we can help each other on our journeys.

ANIXI App coming to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store soon!

About Us

Hi, we're ANIXI!

ANIXI offers a safe and trusted environment to connect individuals suffering from any chronic illness. Individuals experiencing acute health conditions or terminal illnesses often find themselves seeking support, searching for reliable information, and connecting with people who have first-hand experience. The purpose of ANIXI is therefore to create a virtual, but real-time, environment that can offer something as close to genuine human contact as technology allows.

What's Your Status?

Whether you’re a supporter, warrior, survivor or would simply like to learn more about how to get involved, read below which status suits you. We welcome all.

I support someone either directly or indirectly who is currently or was suffering from a chronic illness.


I am currently facing, battling or successfully beating my chronic illness. I am seeking further support.


I am the champion! I won my fight against a chronic illness and wish to serve as a beacon of hope for others.


“Everyone needs a support system, be it family, friends, coworkers, therapists, or religious leaders. We cannot do life alone and expect to keep mentally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy. Everyone needs some sort of support system on which to rely.”

― Richelle E. Goodrich


Download our Android app and connect

iOS app coming soon.