

Rabia Cozijn is the Founder and CEO of Anixi Health. As a cancer survivor, Rabia not only understands but has lived through the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual torment that comes with fighting a chronic illness. “I recall the early days of my diagnosis, frantically searching the internet for answers. I became an expert “googler”… While I was able to learn about the disease medically, I still struggled with its emotional and psychological impact.”

Hardest for Rabia was the inability to sometimes just be herself. She recalls that while she was not short of optimism, it would be the inability to be vulnerable about the loneliness, fear and sadness that came with fighting for her life, that would frustrate her.

“My family and friends were very supportive but, they also struggled with what to say, and how to make me feel better. I was terrified of death and the fear of leaving my young children behind. But I struggled to share that with my family. I had to be strong and positive – all the time. It was tough putting up this façade and worrying more about everyone’s feelings instead of my own.”

Rabia later found the healing power that came with confiding her truest feelings, even the dark thoughts that would consume her at times.“I won’t forget how incredible it felt talking to total strangers that had gone through the same journey I was going through. They shared and understood my fears. I continuously looked forward to these interactions”

It offered a different level of comfort and support that close friends and family couldn’t. I started talking to other cancer warriors to support them through their illness and realised over the years, that so many warriors and supporters preferred this approach.”

Rabia’s experience motivated her to create a similar haven for other warriors battling chronic illnesses. “There are many support groups around the world, but for me, ANIXI is something that belongs to everyone. ANIXI provides every member of the ANIXI community with the freedom to create their own safe space; to invite whomever they need on their journey, not only to receive support but to give it too, at any time that it’s needed.

ANIXI is not intended to replace any medical treatment or to provide any medical advice. We have our doctors and psychologists who are specialists in their respective fields, that are well qualified to provide us with the necessary medical treatment and advice. But, as human beings, nothing beats human interaction, and talking to the many warriors who can share and understand your fears and anxiety without judgement.”

The birth of ANIXI

ANIXI’s purpose is to create an online environment, to support one another through chronic illnesses, that is as close as possible to the human experience. 

Our logo, the Lotus flower with the open hands symbolizes rebirth and strength and the openness to giving and receiving. We want to create a supportive and encouraging environment where, like the lotus you are also capable of overcoming these dark and adverse times, and open yourself to giving and receiving support.

Anixi aims to:

  • offer a safe and non-judgmental space for warriors, survivors and supporters of chronic illness to connect and

  • allow open discussion about personal feelings such as anxiety, fears and other concerns related to terminal illnesses

  • create a platform to assist each other in managing and maintaining their mental and psychological health after diagnosis

  • share useful treatment information and coping mechanisms.

  • share experiences to motivate and inspire one another.

Dealing with a chronic illness is a harsh human experience and we often turn to our families for comfort, encouragement and closeness, but real connection often comes from shared experiences with people that have been through the same journey.

There is nothing better than hearing the reassuring words of comfort from someone who truly knows what you mean because they too are going through or have been through the same journey. 

“This is our community. I want each one of you who joins ANIXI to own it, respect it and hold it as dear to your heart as I do. This is about us, our stories, our feelings and our healing. I want us to be the strength and inspiration to everyone in the ANIXI community.

We all have it in us to impact lives positively. Here is your chance to make that impact. If you can help just one person get through their difficult time then you have made a lasting impact.” – Rabia Cozijn, CEO & Founder


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